We are a year-round, geek and pop culture convention in blog form -- spotlighting artists, vendors, cosplayers and geek-themed nonprofits from cons across the country.
Showing posts with label NC Comic-Con. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NC Comic-Con. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Costumes: NC Comic-Con Pt. 2

While we wrap up out latest edition of Friday Fights, here's a final look at the NC Comic-Con in Durham.  Thanks to Manny for the photos.
A pretty accurate, if slightly cooler version of
Frank Miller's Carrie Kelley, the first female
Robin.  Y'know, or a really cute Dennis the Menace.
We pick on Cyclops a lot here, but hey, cosplay
who you want to.  This guy's expression
seems to say, however  that he lost a bet

I'm convinced that all these Catwoman
and, in this case Black Cat costumes
are a clever way for cosplayers to
commit actual burglary.  (Look at that Gem!)
What kind of assassins eliminate the better
part of their peripheral vision?
Look out, Johnny Depp!
Instant cool: Just add bowtie!

"Everybody!  She's got the whole world .. in her hands!"
"Browser, I hardly know her ..."
That ... was all I had.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Costumes: NC Comic-Con pt.1

Last weekend, (Nov 18) Manny hit NC Comic-Con in Durham.  It's certainly not the biggest convention ever, but it drew a huge crowd.  Manny braved those crowds, while we started Thanksgiving early.  Some images from the event.
"I'm gonna go as Iron Man."
"Don't you mean-"
"I'm gonna go. As Iron Man!"
Seriously, that costume is so good, it's possible she flew to the Con.

Painstakingly well-done movie Nightcrawler.
I prefer my Joker and Harley a little bit creepy.  So hooray for my lack of sleep.
And after Adventure Time.  Seriosuly, what the hell happened?
Before Adventure Time

Puns rule!
Aaaaah!  Creepy!

AAAAGGGH!  Much creepier!

There we go. Some cuteness to balance it out.
More cuteness.  and ... is that kid ... Gus from Psych?  Best costume of the day!